Fàilte - Welcome
Welcome to the Comunn na Gàidhlig (CnaG) website! Here you can find information about us as a company, our staff, where we currently have Iomairtean Officers, activities to do at home, and much more!
Iomairtean Officers
Iomairtean Officers run fun activities using Gaelic all over the country!
Using fun, games and crafts, Sradagan groups provide opportunities for young people to use Gaelic outwith the school!
Spòrs Gàidhlig
Providing fun, exciting and safe opportunities for young people to use Gaelic outdoors!
Comann nam Pàrant
The national organisation which offers advice and support on Gaelic medium education to parents!
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Disathairne seo tighinn!🎆 FÈIS NA BLIADHN' ÙIRE 🎆
Chan eil fada ri dhol! Nach tig sibh còmhla rinn air an deireadh-sheachdain seo, 10 & 11 Am Faoilleach, airson Fèis na Bliadhn’ Ùire a' tòiseachadh le cèilidh teaghlaich còmhla ri Comunn na Gàidhlig! Bidh Seonaidh Mac an t-Saoir còmhla rinn le còmhlan, agus cuideachd bidh sgoilearan a' cluich, a' seinn agus a' dannsa. 🎶
Air Disathairne, bidh Cuirm Phìobaireachd againn agus cuideachd bidh a' chiad fharpais Dumpling aig Ceòlas againn! Dèanaibh deiseil airson farpais air leth - cuiribh a-steach ur Dumpling eadar 1f - 1.30f, is thèid an neach a bhuannaicheas ainmeachadh mu mheadhan na cuirme 🤩
Our New Year Festival will take place this weekend - 10th & 11th of January, starting with a family cèilidh in partnership with Comunn na Gàidhlig to celebrate their 40th anniversary. Seonaidh MacIntyre and friends will be our house band with special performances from local children as well! 💃
On Saturday we will have our Piping Recital - this time with the world's first Ceòlas Dumpling Championship! Get your pots and cloths at the ready and get practicing for this special competition - drop off your dumpling between 1pm and 1.30pm and we will announce the winner during the break of the recital. 🤩🎶
CnaG na h-Eileanan an Iar Cnoc Soilleir Bòrd na Gàidhlig Creative Scotland Highlands and Islands Enterprise Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Isle of South Uist ... See MoreSee Less
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Tha Cabadaich le CnaG air ais bho a-màireach! Tha àitichean fhathast ri lìonadh aig gach seisean! | Cabadaich le CnaG is back tomorrow! There are still spaces available for each session!
💬 C1-3 – Tuesdays @ 4:15pm: forms.office.com/e/p5iXDb4WPF
💬 C4-7 – Wednesday @ 4:30pm: forms.office.com/e/Mnag3HDV0d
💬 ÀS1-3 – Wednesdays @ 5:10pm: forms.office.com/e/rWkeTiUTDK
Airson barrachd fiosrachadh, cuir fios gu/For more information, contact: aileas@cnag.org💻💬Cabadaich le CnaG am Faoilleach gu an Giblean💬💻
Tha Cabadaich le CnaG air ais le seiseanan ùr! Tha na seiseanan mì-fhoirmeil seo a’ toirt cothrom do Ghàidheal òga Gàidhlig a chleachdadh taobh a-muigh na sgoile, gu h-àraidh son fheadhainn nach fhaigh an cothrom sin gu cunbhalach. | Cabadaich le CnaG is back! These informal session give young Gaels the opportunity to use Gaelic outside of school.
💬C1-3 – Dimàirt/Tuesday @ 4:15f: forms.office.com/e/p5iXDb4WPF
💬C4-7 – Diciadain/Wednesday @ 4:30f: forms.office.com/e/Mnag3HDV0d
💬ÀS1-3 – Diciadain/Wednesday @ 5:10f: forms.office.com/e/rWkeTiUTDK
Airson barrachd fiosrachadh, cuir fios gu/For more information, contact: aileas@cnag.org ... See MoreSee Less
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